Simply Credit Help – Debt and Bad Credit Improvement Advice


May 27, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Are you faced with going for debt settlement or filing for bankruptcy? These are some facts to consider before making your decision.

Debt settlement involves negotiating with creditors to reduce the debt, interest rate or agree upon a repayment plan. This requires you to have cash to make repayments either as a lump sum or as monthly payments. If you are successful you will pay considerably less than the amount you owe (up to 70% owed).

The downside of debt settlement is that the amount that is waived off will be considered as taxable income and could raise your tax bracket requiring you to pay more taxes. It will also have an adverse effect on your credit score.

In Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings you ask court to discharge debts you owe and a judge would appoint a trustee to sell your non exempt properties and use the proceeds to settle to creditors whereas in Chapter 13 the court appointed trustee will negotiate new terms with the creditors.

The disadvantage of filing for bankruptcy is that it will reflect negatively on your credit score for a very long time. It is also a public record which anyone can see.

Question Your Platform, As Stewart Has Said: It’s A Good Thing

May 24, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Single random sample of questions posed on financial online forums: “Is Finexo trading platform any good?” That’s just one. Others are probably more along the lines of: Will I secure a profit by this afternoon and for tomorrow and Friday? For that one you’ll need to call a psychic hotline. That last one is what most people will tell you but every investor knows that that is not the case at all.

Maybe the forex robots would be more successful at producing an adequate answer to the initial question posed as the only response obtained by the inquiring individual was: “I don’t really know.” But all traders need is a good reading of financial indicators and an equally good trading platform and system.

Another trading platform people may be wondering about is eToro USA, but whether it’s “any good,” like most things, can only be truly determined on a case-by-case basis and by each individual user. Test run several until you settle into one.

Why It is Important to Learn Forex Trading Basics

May 9, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Almost anyone can start a Forex trading account of their own these days if they have a little bit of money. However, there is one thing that has not changed: the necessity to use the endless amounts of information that can overwhelm you if you aren’t sure which to ignore and which type to use for your financial benefit.

Much like the process of learning a skill contributed to one’s ability to show his ability, it is just as important to learn Forex trading basics before you can actually begin to trade successfully in the Forex market.

And while it is important to find a good mentor who can help you with these basics, another way by which you can learn is by using trading terminals and automated trading systems that are offered by various brokers over the internet. A fine example of this is the Finexo trading software that is being used by many web traders.

Between the two types of software that can be used, the newbie should use the automated trading system to his advantage, thanks to the fact that it makes your trading efforts seem easier than otherwise.

But you cannot completely rule out the fact that you have to continue to update your knowledge about the industry and its happenings on a daily basis, and this is why among all the sites that you can find analysis and information from, the FX360 is perhaps one of the best sites to use.

If that’s not enough, you can also find several online trading tutorials that are provided by brokers, as well as books that can help you upgrade your knowledge. In doing this, you will find yourself moving towards greater profitability in a shorter period of time.

Can Credit Cards For Bad Credit Help People With Good Credit With Debt Consolidation?

May 8, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

While it isn’t easy facing a situation of bad credit, the economic slump hasn’t really helped people repay their debt, regardless of whether these repercussions have occurred due to bad spending or due to unforeseen events of misfortune.

In order to combat the debts that have seemed to pile up on you, the ideal course of action seems to opt for cards for bad credit that will begin the process of repairing the situation of bad credit that has built up.

Perhaps the reason why people have to take these limited options is due to the fact that they will not be provided with extra credit (in the form of credit cards or loans) due to their bad credit score, which is a clear indicator of their erratic spending habits. Banks and lenders consider these people to be a financial risk if credit is extended, and thus will reject applications from people with poor credit.

But applying for a credit card for bad credit scores is not just for people with poor credit scores, but for those who have an excellent credit score, but for whatever reason have accumulated large debts and now need to clear it off.

The advantage that people who have a good credit score have is that they can avail themselves of credit cards that have an APR as low as ten percent and can transfer balances onto these cards that are either offered at really low or introductory rates.

However, advisers often suggest that you do read the fine print so that you are aware if there are any conditions that have to be met before carrying out such transactions or are charged fees for doing so.

All in all, no matter which category you fall into, it is also a must that you regularly check your credit scores by looking up  online credit monitoring reports. These are provided by companies to help you track the progress of your debt consolidation efforts.