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How Forgiveness Creates Abundance in your Life

December 27, 2021 by · Leave a Comment 

As we all begin a new year, we must start by taking stock of the old. Think about your successes and failures. What can you do differently this year that will produce change? If you’re ready to begin a new journey and create more abundance in your life, then forgiveness is a great place to start.

Now as you write your evaluation of the former year, keep in mind anyone you believe has harmed you. Can you forgive them? If you’ve already done so, then pat yourself on the back. We can’t always forget what was done, but we can always forgive who did it. If you don’t forgive, you’ll always be attached to the scenario. This will begin draining your energy and casting a pall over all future contacts.

Zhang Xinyue has written a book called Create Abundance where she speaks to topics like this. The difficult things in life often open our eyes to the excellent things we weren’t paying attention to before, so forgive now and enjoy the rest of the year.

During the pandemic, most of our lives were interrupted in various ways. It’s possible that new concerns, doubts, and restrictive ways of doing things have surfaced. Take note of any bad behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs you’ve developed that are hindering your progress. Make the decision to let them go just as you release forgiveness.

Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue includes this quote:

“In actuality, what we feel short of is nothing more than money, love, attention and meaning. If you avoid facing them, then get ready to fight for a few more lifetimes to come. Once you decide to face this issue, it will not be so difficult.”


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