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Online Credit Monitoring: Someone Is Watching You

July 9, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

It is everyone’s worst nightmare.  Identity theft.  Somewhere, someone, somehow gets a hold of your credit card, or social security number and goes on a shopping spree with your money and you are left to face the repercussions.  The best way to prevent identity theft is to be aware of your activities.  Many people do not know there is such a think as online credit monitoring.  When you buy those new shoes, or that new television and pay with your credit card online, you are setting yourself up to be taken advantage of.  Even though sites say they are secure, people are there watching.  People inside the company that you are buying from, as well as hackers.  Be aware and think twice before entering your credit card information online. 

            That is not the only Internet activity that is dangerous.  Beware of offers for low APR credit cards and instant approval credit cards that you find online.  Many legitimate banks offer reasonably low APR credit cards, but it is always necessary to be approved to receive a credit card.  These online offers can have you plugging your information right into the computer, making it available for anyone to see, or steal, or use.  Do not enter information like your social security number, address, or work information online.  You are setting yourself up for someone to steal your identity or use your credit card for their own personal gain.  It is not worth the risk.  Do not buy things online unless you are completely positive the website is secure, and don’t be pulled into offers that sounds to good to be true, because chances are, they are to good to be true and you’ll pay for your naivety.

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